Get Trained
Find training for average citizens to detect and stop trafficking.
There is also specialized training for educators, federal employees and law enforcement
Help Stop the Demand Join Fight the New Drug's campaign to raise awareness of the harm that pornography does. Get the facts about how pornography leads to violence and is tied to sex trafficking. Also, Take the pledge. Go to Rescue Freedom to get the facts about how pornography is tied to sex trafficking. Read articles and videos, including some informative TED Talks.
Learn about how to have early conversations with children to protect them from internet dangers.
Shop to support survivors
When you travel
Search Here to find companies like Carlson, Hilton and Delta Airlines that are committed to fight trafficking and child sex tourism. Encourage your company to incorporate The Code into corporate travel policies.
Share this Sex Tourism video to raise awareness. Stay in a 'clean' hotel, especially with children.
Check out the List of Minnesota “Clean Hotels” from the MN Department of Health and MN Men’s Action Network. Read more at: Men as Peacemakers and the List of Minnesota Hotels that sell porn.
Volunteer with local organizations
Learn moreDocumentariesThe Long Night Documentary, 2014
Not a new issue, and not just girls. 1981 discussion of the Boys for Sale documentary and investigative findings. Full Boys For Sale documentary. Donate items to Breaking Free